وكالة أنباء سوريا

نحن وكالة أنباء غير حكومية، نركز على نشر الأخبار المتعلقة بسوريا، ونرحب بجميع المراسلين والكتاب للانضمام إلينا.

A service information board at a subway station displays a message of solidarity with Australia, expressing sorrow for the loss of life and devastation. The board includes social media handles and a shadow-like illustration of a koala.
A service information board at a subway station displays a message of solidarity with Australia, expressing sorrow for the loss of life and devastation. The board includes social media handles and a shadow-like illustration of a koala.
A black flag with Arabic script in white is fluttering in the wind against a clear sky. The edges of the flag are outlined with a red border, adding contrast to the dark fabric.
A black flag with Arabic script in white is fluttering in the wind against a clear sky. The edges of the flag are outlined with a red border, adding contrast to the dark fabric.
A partially destroyed building with signage in Cyrillic script, surrounded by debris and construction cranes in the background. The structure appears damaged and burnt, with charred walls and collapsed sections.
A partially destroyed building with signage in Cyrillic script, surrounded by debris and construction cranes in the background. The structure appears damaged and burnt, with charred walls and collapsed sections.

من نحن

نقدم منصة مجانية للمراسلين والوزارات والصحف لتوزيع محتوياتهم، ونسعى لتعزيز الإعلام المستقل في سوريا.

خدمات الوكالة

نقدم خدمات نشر الأخبار والمحتوى المتعلق بسوريا لجميع المراسلين والكتاب والمصورين.

انضمام مجاني

يمكن للمراسلين والكتاب الانضمام للوكالة وتحديد صفحات خاصة لمحتوياتهم بشكل مجاني.

A hand holding a smartphone displaying a news website, with a blurred large computer screen in the background also showing similar content. The webpage on the phone features articles with images and text.
A hand holding a smartphone displaying a news website, with a blurred large computer screen in the background also showing similar content. The webpage on the phone features articles with images and text.
تعاون حكومي

تتيح الوكالة للوزارات والأجهزة الحكومية الانضمام وتحديد صفحات خاصة لمحتوياتهم مجاناً.

نرحب بجميع الصحف والمجلات والقنوات الإعلامية للانضمام وتحديد صفحات خاصة لمحتوياتهم.

محتوى إعلامي
A newspaper is placed on a worn, turquoise wooden surface, with partially visible headlines in reverse. Beside the newspaper, a camera with multiple lenses stacked on top of each other is lying on the table. Parts of the old wooden surface are chipped, revealing the natural wood color beneath.
A newspaper is placed on a worn, turquoise wooden surface, with partially visible headlines in reverse. Beside the newspaper, a camera with multiple lenses stacked on top of each other is lying on the table. Parts of the old wooden surface are chipped, revealing the natural wood color beneath.
A vintage wooden building with light blue siding features a sign with the word 'NEWSPAPER' in large black letters painted on a white vertical board. The structure is set against a backdrop of lush green grass and trees, with sunlight casting shadows on the building.
A vintage wooden building with light blue siding features a sign with the word 'NEWSPAPER' in large black letters painted on a white vertical board. The structure is set against a backdrop of lush green grass and trees, with sunlight casting shadows on the building.
gray computer monitor

تواصل معنا

للاستفسارات، يرجى التواصل عبر المعلومات أدناه.